Just this week my little Bear hit a new milestone. He moved into his new big boy toddler bed. I didn't cry while I took down his crib but I was nostalgic. Remembering when I often watched him sleep when he was brand new. How amused he was with his mobile in the beginning. The first time we walked into his room to discover him standing up, smiling.
Bear was very excited about this new development. Especially because it means he now had his very own pillow. Very exciting stuff when you are a toddler. The first night he jumped into his new bed before I could pick him up and sing to him. And he didn't want me to when I asked him (now that almost made me cry lol). He stayed in bed all night. No pitter patter of little feet on the floor were heard.
Bear has been skipping naps for awhile now so I have instituted "Quiet Time", so for an hour and a half everyday around naptime, Bear is to play quietly in his room. Too bad the quiet part is lost on Bear. But at least he seems to know at bedtime he is to stay in his bed. Two nights in a row now, keeping my fingers crossed.
We had to move things around in his room to accommodate the new bed. Which means we had to move the Thomas nightlight to another wall, and it no longer seems adequate, as it is blocked in by some furniture. The little critter shaped one we got him at IKEA awhile ago is a little bright. I'm a bzzagent and today's daily bzz campaign is for Dreamlights. It is 6 solar powered LED lights that dance and float in a jar, like fireflies. It says it is very easy to recharge in a sunny spot. I would love to give one of these a try, as a couple of Bear's favourite shows have had episodes dealing with fireflies and he had so hoped to see some at camp this summer. This might be the answer to our nightlight problem, and they look beautiful. I love how one website has advertised them as "soothing cruelty free lights!" Perhaps we shall be given a chance to try one out!
ooooooo, that sounds neat!